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A Nonprofit Membership Organization Working for South Carolinians Since 1990.


Headlines + Happenings

January 16, 2025


UPDATE: The Dawkins House

We are pleased to share an update on the Dawkins House project in Union. This month, we will commence the stabilization of the home, following a thorough examination of the structure's condition and receipt of a stabilization report from Bennett Preservation Engineering. We look forward to collaborating with Huss Construction on this significant first phase and continuing our partnership with Bennett Preservation Engineering.

About: The Dawkins House is located at the end of N. Church Street in downtown Union and does not outwardly show its history as the one-time state capital of SC during the Civil War. 

Portions of the house date back to the 1790s, making it one of Union's oldest surviving homes, existing during the time of George Washington’s and John Adams’ presidencies. The original 1790’s structure still exists and has exposed beams with carved end fittings and bead-cut edges. The house is situated prominently on the edge of the University of South Carolina Union’s (USCU) campus in downtown Union.

In November 2023, Preservation SC acquired rights to the Dawkins House at a property tax sale. Upon our acquisition, we received $300,000 from the State legislature for its stabilization. 
This funding would not be possible without the help of our dedicated supporters and the leaders of Union, Laurens, Cherokee, Spartanburg, and York counties, specifically Representatives Doug Gilliam and Dennis Moss.

What's next? After Preservation SC completes stabilization, USCU plans to take ownership and restore the house to its planned operational use as an Alumni Center. The restored Dawkins House will become an economic asset to the City and County of Union, and the State of South Carolina, as it will boost tourism and community engagement, foster connections between past and present generations, and preserve some of the State’s rich, diverse legacy. Learn more about this project here.


Preservation News

- Deadline extended for Federal Assistance for disaster recovery following Hurricane Helene. Lean more here. 

- The South Carolina Historic Preservation Awards nomination application OPEN. Deadline is April 1, 2025. Learn more, and view past recipients, here.

 The SC Historic Preservation Conference, hosted by South Carolina Department of Archives and History, is April 25, 2025. Learn more here.

- A tribute to the life and legacy of President Jimmy Carter by Carol Quillen, President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Read here

- The WeGOJA Foundation launches Preservation Toolkit, a one-stop shop of interactive resources and information for property owners, practitioners, and preservationists, especially newly enthusiastic local activists. Learn more here

- If you missed our 2024 year-end letter, featuring a note from our Board Chair, John Hildreth, access it here.


The South Carolina Historic Preservation Awards


Presented by The Office of the Governor, The South Carolina Department of Archives and History, & Preservation South Carolina

Each year thousands of South Carolinians work to preserve the state’s legacy that is reflected in our historic buildings, structures, and sites. Since 1995, the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Preservation South Carolina, and the Office of the Governor have recognized exceptional accomplishments in the preservation, rehabilitation, and interpretation of our architectural and cultural heritage with a series of statewide awards. 

We invite you to nominate those individuals or organizations that represent the best of historic preservation in our state. Nominations submitted in previous years that were not selected to receive an award may be updated and resubmitted. If you would like to view award recipients from 2020-2024, please visit this link. Deadline is April 1, 2025. 


David George, Luke Pecoraro, and Fr. Tedesco discuss the GPR survey on the chapel grounds.

Taveau Church 


In conjunction with our long-term stewardship planning work for Taveau Church, we conducted preliminary site planning and a GPR survey to identify sensitive areas to avoid in future work, assess drainage patterns and roughly identify areas for ancillary activities.

We are grateful for the support provided by Luke Pecoraro, PhD RPA, Director of Archaeology and Collections with Drayton Hall Preservation Trust, who conducted this survey, and the National Trust for Historic Preservation, who provided funding for this work. Learn more about this project here


Thank you to our Business Members!


From CPA services to consulting, development, and investment services, at The Sherbert Group, we approach historic renovation full circle. We have developed the largest and most complex historic renovations in the nation and believe our expertise and attention to detail shine through in our work. Learn more here.


Preservation South Carolina

1109 Broad Street 2H

Camden, SC 29020



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